Posts Tagged: spirit

Christian Life
Evaluating Culture’s Impact on Our Faith
October 11, 2022
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How often do we evaluate our faith? To effectively do this we have to be clear on what faith is and how we properly evaluate it. Paul says at the end of 2 Corinthians in chapter 13 verse 5, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not […]
Leadership Missional
What is the Spirit saying to the Church? (part1)
February 15, 2022
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In this new blog series, What is the Spirit saying to the Church? I will be exploring ideas that have been brought up by Tim Keller in his articles about the Church online at Life in the Gospel and by Stefan Paas in his book Pilgrims and Priests, Christian mission in a post-Christian Society. I […]
Devotional Leadership
Making Space for LIFE
August 19, 2015
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I have noticed three major movements within the hearts of American Christians. First, in the beginning of our country we were still working through our new religious and political freedom and had high structure, integration into culture and a works based theology. This high structure developed into formalized denominational boundaries. So, what was critically important […]
Christian Life General Tough Issues
The Word on Pot – Why Get High?
July 20, 2014
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On January 1st of this year it became legal to purchase recreational marijuana in the state of Colorado.  It would seem that we voted first and are just now starting to have deeper dialogue about the future consequences of this action.  For some this new law is like independence day, others are wondering what the […]